
source code // tests

Move proves a wrapper around the erc20 transfer operations that handles erc20 tokens with a missing return value.

It can handle erc20 tokens that are missing a return value (e.g. BNB, USDT), tokens that return false instead of reverting on failure (e.g. ZRX), as well as tokens that correctly return true if the transfer was performed successfully. It cannot handle tokens that return false for a successful transfer (e.g. Tether Gold).

Be aware that every token interaction is dangerous and should be made with great care, and that the usage of a wrapper such as this one protects you from only a very small class of potential problems. If at all possible use a contract level allow list and carefully audit every token that your system will be interacting with.

See the weird-erc20 repo for a non exhaustive list of surprising mainnet tokens.


move(address token, address dst, uint amt)

  • Calls token.transferFrom(address(this), dst, amt)
  • Reverts if the call to transferFrom reverts
  • Reverts if token returns a boolean false.

move(address token, address src, address dst, uint amt)

  • Calls token.transferFrom(src, dst, amt)
  • Reverts if the call to transferFrom reverts
  • Reverts if token returns a boolean false.