Radicle Audit Report:

Governance and Registrar



last updated: 18.02.2021

Table of Contents


From January 27th to February 11th, a team of four engineers spent a total of 10 person weeks reviewing the smart contracts for the Radicle token and governance system, as well as the name registration contracts.

This work was carried out against the following git repository:


The team reviewed the following contracts:


To facilitate the analysis, the team implemented a suite of integration and property tests using the dapptools toolbox, which can be found at on github at dapp-org/radicle-contracts-tests, or on radicle at rad:git:hwd1yre8rfozqpjmbdhy46obq9qh34mqz3yq3ee99ateq89z537pcfwz74o.

This includes demonstrations of most of the vulnerabilities described in this document.


The review was carried out by the following members of the dapp.org collective:

  • dxo
  • Jenny Pollack
  • Martin Lundfall
  • Rain


A revision history for this document can be found here.

Design Analysis

The Registrar is the largest novel component and we review the design in depth here.

Several components are based on source code from Compound: Timelock, Governor, and RadicleToken. Here we review the source code differences contract by contract, based on the deployed Compound Timelock, GovernorAlpha and COMP contracts, and the modified versions of these contracts in the radicle-contracts repository. Overall, the substantive differences are small and this system is a faithful implementation of "Compound Governance".

The analysis in this section is performmed against the updated radicle-contracts code at 920dcd3 (which includes fixes to most of the issues detailed in the Findings section of this report).

We omit the Treasury from this section, as it was deprecated following this review, and also omit the VestingToken as it is simple and not public facing.


The Registrar is securing an ownership right over the radicle.eth ens name. It additionally operates an automated subdomain registration scheme, where anyone can register a (valid) subdomain under radicle.eth by burning a predetermined amount of rad tokens.

The Registrar is collectively owned and controlled by the radicle token holders. This ownership gives radicle governance certain powers:

  • Ownership transferal for the radicle.eth ens name
  • Configuration of ENS specific values for radicle.eth (ttl and resolver values)
  • Configuration of the registration fee (denominated in rad)
  • Configuration of the minimum delay between committing to a name and registering that name

Note that although the Registrar contract as written does not allow radicle governance to make direct modifications to radicle.eth subdomains, the power to transfer ownership of the radicle.eth domain does indirectly allow radicle governance to take control of every subdomain registered under radicle.eth. Due to the hierarchical nature of the ENS system, the signers on the ENS root multisig also have this power.

Name Registration & Transaction Reordering

In order to provide robust protections against transaction reordering attacks, a commit reveal scheme is used for name registration. In this scheme, registrants must first submit a commitment to their desired name (the hash of the tuple (name, owner, salt)). Once a predetermined number of blocks have passed, the registrant can reveal the preimage to the commitment and register the name to the desired owner.

A frontrunner can frontrun both a commitment tx and an registration tx. There are four ways to commit to a name (see below), and only one way to register. We analyse each in turn. In all cases below, we note that knowledge of the commitment does not bestow knowledge of the domain in the preimage, meaning that a frontrunner is not able to submit a competing commitment tx for the same name but with a different owner.

  • commit

    The frontrunner knows the commitment.

    They can also make a call to commit ahead of the original caller with the same commitment, but since the owner of the domain is part of the commitment, the front runner will simply end up paying the registration fee on behalf of the original caller.

  • commitWithPermit

    The frontrunner knows:

    1. the commitment
    2. the contents of the signed permit message

    They can make a call to commitWithPermit with a different commitment but the same permit message, but since the caller of commitWithPermit pays the registration fee, this is equivalent to simply registering a different domain for themselves.

    As above, the frontrunner can submit the same call but from their address, with the same effect of paying the registration fee on behalf of the original registrant.

  • commitWithSig

    The frontrunner knows:

    1. the commitment
    2. the contents of the signed commit message

    All parameters to the call are either signed, or signatures, and so cannot be modified in any way by a frontrunner.

    The frontrunner can frontrun the relayer, claiming the submissionFee for themselves. Although this is undesirable for relay operators, it is not obvious that this is detrimental to the user. Taken to an extreme, this vector results in miners running relay services for users, an outcome that is in fact rather beneficial for users.

  • commitBySigWithPermit

    The frontrunner knows:

    1. the commitment
    2. the contents of the commit message
    3. the contents of the permit message

    As above, a frontrunner can submit the same tx but from their address, claiming the submissionFee from the original relayer.

    The frontrunner can submit a tx with the same commitment, but with a different permit message (or vice versa). In this case as the registration fee is taken from the signer of the commit message, they will likely simply cause the call to revert (unless the signer of the commit message has granted infinite approval to the registrar).

  • register

    The frontrunner knows the preimage to the commitment.

    The frontrunner can submit the same call, but from their address. In this case they will simply pay the gas cost of the registration for the owner in the commitment preimage.

    The frontrunner can submit a commitment to the same name, but with themselves as the owner. In this case they will pay the registration fee, and must hope that the original call to register does not succeed before minCommitmentAge blocks have passed. Callers of register must therefore take care to submit their tx with a competitive gas price, to ensure that it is included in good time.

Signature Based Name Registration

Names can be registered by a relayer on behalf of a registrant using EIP-712 signed messages. This allows for low-trust, zero transaction, gas free name registration (relayers can always censor, and depending on the workflow may be able to front-run or block domain registration).

There are 3 signature based methods that can be used to commit to a name registration:

  • commitWithPermit: allows callers to commit to name without first having to call approve on the radicle token
  • commitBySig: allows a relayer to commit to a name on behalf of another party
  • commitBySigWithPermit: allows a relayer to commit to a name on behalf of another party without that party needing to first call approve on the radicle token

The final method (commitBySigWithPermit) allows registrants to register a radicle.eth subdomain by signing two EIP-712 messages:

  1. a permit message allowing the relayer to withdraw tokens from the registrants account
  2. a commitBySig message allowing the relayer to make a commitment on the registrants behalf

If the relayer is trusted with the commitment preimage, they can also call register on behalf on the registrant once the minimum commit/reveal delay has elapsed.

Relayer Trust Assumptions

The above methods allow a few different workflows, each differing in the trust assumptions made regarding the relayer and in the number of on chain transactions that must be submitted by the registrant:

  • 2 tx: registrant commits & reveals

    In this variant, the registrant calls commitWithPermit, followed by register. No relayer is involved and the registrant must make no extra trust assumptions during name registration.

  • 1 tx: relayer commits, registrant reveals

    Here, the registrant submits two signed messages to a relayer, a permit and a commit. The relayer calls commitBySigWithPermit and receives a fee in rad as compensation. The registrant waits minCommitmentAge blocks and calls register with the commitment preimage.

    In this case, the relayer can censor the registrant by failing to submit the transaction. If they do so, they will not receive their payment. The registrant can always fallback to the 2 tx workflow.

  • 0 tx: relayer commits & reveals

    Here, the registrant submits a signed permit and commit message to the relayer, as well as the preimage to the commitment. The relayer calls commitBySigWithPermit, waits minCommitmentAge blocks and calls register on behalf of the registrant with the commitment preimage. As currently implemented, the relayer has no incentive to call register, making this a fully altruistic action (see Incentivize relaying of register transactions in the Registrar).

    In this case, the relayer can censor (as above), but can additionally choose to register the name for themselves (perhaps with the intention of charging the original registrant a high price to return the name). Note that should they do so, they will have to construct a new commitment and so will:

    1. not receive their submission fee
    2. have to pay the registration fee themselves


The following are human readable properties that should hold for all possible Registrar states.

  • Top Domain Ownership & Control
    • Ownership of the radicle.eth domain can only be changed by the Registrar admin or parties with control over the .eth tld
    • Ownership of the radicle.eth domain can always be changed by the Registrar (assuming that the registrar retains ownership of radicle.eth, and that the owner of .eth allows the registrar to call transferFrom on it)
    • Transferring ownership of the radicle.eth domain also transfers ownership of the associated ERC-721 token in the .eth registry contract
    • Transferring ownership of the radicle.eth domain also transfers ownership of the commitment state
  • Subdomain Ownership & Control
    • It is not possible to register a subdomain without burning registrationFeeRad RAD tokens
    • Once registered, the only parties that can modify the ownership, resolver, or ttl of a subdomain are the current owner, the admin of the Registrar contract, or parties with control over the .eth tld.
    • Subdomain owners can register an unlimited number of subdomains underneath their name (e.g. a.b.c.d.e.radicle.eth)
    • Subdomains can be re-registered if their ownership is set to address(0)
    • It is not possible to register a subdomain that has a UTF-8 encoded representation that is:
      • less than 2 bytes in length
      • greater than 128 bytes in length
  • Front Running Resistance

    An attacker that is able to insert & reorder transactions cannot:

    • block domain registration
    • register pending domains for themselves
    • force another party to pay for the registration of an attacker controlled subdomain
  • Commitment State
    • State in the Commitments contract can only be written by the Registrar
  • End User Workflows
    • It is possible for end users to register a domain without having to submit a tx onchain or hold any ETH


The only substantive non syntactic differences with the Compound Timelock are:

  • solidity 0.5.8 -> 0.7.5
  • addition of a gracePeriod getter for the GRACE_PERIOD constant
-pragma solidity ^0.5.8;
+pragma solidity ^0.7.5;
+    function gracePeriod() public pure returns (uint256) {
+        return GRACE_PERIOD;
+    }

All constants remain the same.


The only substantive non syntactic differences with the Compound Governor Alpha are:

  • solidity 0.5.16 -> 0.7.5
  • use of the gracePeriod getter in Timelock
  • removal of the id from the Proposal struct

All constants remain the same.

-pragma solidity ^0.5.16;
+pragma solidity ^0.7.5;
         } else if (proposal.executed) {
             return ProposalState.Executed;
-        } else if (block.timestamp >= add256(proposal.eta, timelock.GRACE_PERIOD())) {
+        } else if (block.timestamp >= add256(proposal.eta, timelock.gracePeriod())) {
             return ProposalState.Expired;
         } else {
-        Proposal memory newProposal = Proposal({
-            id: proposalCount,
-            proposer: msg.sender,
-            eta: 0,
-            targets: targets,
-            values: values,
-            signatures: signatures,
-            calldatas: calldatas,
-            startBlock: startBlock,
-            endBlock: endBlock,
-            forVotes: 0,
-            againstVotes: 0,
-            canceled: false,
-            executed: false
-        });
-        proposals[newProposal.id] = newProposal;
-        latestProposalIds[newProposal.proposer] = newProposal.id;
-        emit ProposalCreated(newProposal.id, msg.sender, targets, values, signatures, calldatas, startBlock, endBlock, description);
-        return newProposal.id;
+        Proposal storage newProposal = proposals[proposalCount];
+        uint256 proposalId = proposalCount;
+        newProposal.proposer = msg.sender;
+        newProposal.eta = 0;
+        newProposal.targets = targets;
+        newProposal.values = values;
+        newProposal.signatures = signatures;
+        newProposal.calldatas = calldatas;
+        newProposal.startBlock = startBlock;
+        newProposal.endBlock = endBlock;
+        newProposal.forVotes = 0;
+        newProposal.againstVotes = 0;
+        newProposal.canceled = false;
+        newProposal.executed = false;
+        latestProposalIds[newProposal.proposer] = proposalId;
+        emit ProposalCreated(
+            proposalId,
+            msg.sender,
+            targets,
+            values,
+            signatures,
+            calldatas,
+            startBlock,
+            endBlock,
+            description
+        );
+        return proposalId;

Radicle Token

The Radicle Token contains the following substantive non-syntactical changes over the COMP token:

  • solidity 0.5.16 -> 0.7.5
  • 10 million -> 100 million total supply
  • burnFrom, allowing the caller to burn tokens from an address, provided the caller has a sufficient allowance. This is semantically identical to transferFrom(account, 0, rawAmount), except the balance of address(0) does not increase and totalSupply is decreased by rawAmount.
  • permit as specified in EIP 2612. This is semantically identical to current implementations of permit as found in Uniswap v2 tokens and in the UNI governance token.

All constants remain the same, aside from the total supply.

-pragma solidity ^0.5.16;
+pragma solidity ^0.7.5;
     /// @notice Total number of tokens in circulation
-    uint public constant totalSupply = 10000000e18; // 10 million Comp
+    uint256 public totalSupply = 100000000e18; // 100 million tokens
+    /**
+     * @notice Burn `rawAmount` tokens from `account`
+     * @param account The address of the account to burn
+     * @param rawAmount The number of tokens to burn
+     */
+    function burnFrom(address account, uint256 rawAmount) public {
+        require(account != address(0), "RadicleToken::burnFrom: cannot burn from the zero address");
+        uint96 amount = safe96(rawAmount, "RadicleToken::burnFrom: amount exceeds 96 bits");
+        address spender = msg.sender;
+        uint96 spenderAllowance = allowances[account][spender];
+        if (spender != account && spenderAllowance != uint96(-1)) {
+            uint96 newAllowance =
+                sub96(
+                    spenderAllowance,
+                    amount,
+                    "RadicleToken::burnFrom: burn amount exceeds allowance"
+                );
+            allowances[account][spender] = newAllowance;
+            emit Approval(account, spender, newAllowance);
+        }
+        balances[account] = sub96(
+            balances[account],
+            amount,
+            "RadicleToken::burnFrom: burn amount exceeds balance"
+        );
+        emit Transfer(account, address(0), amount);
+        _moveDelegates(delegates[account], address(0), amount);
+        totalSupply -= rawAmount;
+    }
+    /**
+     * @notice Approves spender to spend on behalf of owner.
+     * @param owner The signer of the permit
+     * @param spender The address to approve
+     * @param deadline The time at which the signature expires
+     * @param v The recovery byte of the signature
+     * @param r Half of the ECDSA signature pair
+     * @param s Half of the ECDSA signature pair
+     */
+    function permit(
+        address owner,
+        address spender,
+        uint256 value,
+        uint256 deadline,
+        uint8 v,
+        bytes32 r,
+        bytes32 s
+    ) public {
+        bytes32 structHash =
+            keccak256(
+                abi.encode(PERMIT_TYPEHASH, owner, spender, value, nonces[owner]++, deadline)
+            );
+        bytes32 digest = keccak256(abi.encodePacked("\x19\x01", DOMAIN_SEPARATOR(), structHash));
+        require(owner == ecrecover(digest, v, r, s), "RadicleToken::permit: invalid signature");
+        require(owner != address(0), "RadicleToken::permit: invalid signature");
+        require(block.timestamp <= deadline, "RadicleToken::permit: signature expired");
+        _approve(owner, spender, value);


Our findings are separated into three sections:

  • Bugs: issues that impact the security or correctness of the system
  • Improvements: changes that could improve the clarity, functionality, or efficiency of the system, but that do not impact security or correctness
  • Notes and Miscellanea: points of interest that do not merit an explicit recommendation for change


B01: VestingToken: withdrawableBalance() can revert after vesting is interrupted

In VestingToken.sol, the withdrawableBalance() method will revert if vesting has been terminated, but the vesting period has not yet ended, due to a subtraction underflow at L84.

It is expected that withdrawableBalance should always return 0 after vesting has been terminated, which can be achieved by adding:

if (interrupted) return 0;

to the beginning of withdrawableBalance, and moving

interrupted = true;

to the bottom of terminateVesting().

B02: VestingToken: Misleading value for withdrawn variable after vesting is terminated

After vesting is terminated, the withdrawn variable will always be equal to the total amount to be vested, regardless of whether the beneficiary received the full amount or if vesting was terminated prematurely.

Instead of setting:

withdrawn = totalVestingAmount;


withdrawn = totalToBeVested;

would more accurately reflect the token amount that the beneficiary has received.

B03: Governor/Timelock: Multiple calls to the same contract cannot be performed within the same proposal

When a proposal passes, the Governor queues all the corresponding function calls in the Timelock, which allows them to be executed after the Timelock.GRACE_PERIOD has passed.

In this process, the function calls are identified by txHash = keccak256(abi.encode(target, value, signature, data, eta)), and proposals which contain more multiple function calls with the same txHash cannot be queued or executed.

This restriction limits the possible actions of Radicle Governance, as it makes it unable to perform certain stateful function calls. For example, if Governance needed to deploy multiple contracts from a factory in the same transaction, it would be unable to call Factory.build() multiple times within the same proposals.

Allowing repeated function calls within the same proposals could easily be achieved, for example by adding salt or a nonce to transactions.

B04: Registrar: setDomainOwner should not set resolver or ttl values for the domain

The setDomainOwner method in the Registrar makes a call to setRecord on the ENS registry, and passes in the address of the new owner as the new resolver value, and a value of 0 for the ttl.

Setting the resolver and ttl values for the domain during an ownership change seems unnecessary, and could lead to disruption for downstream clients who rely on the resolver for the radicle.eth domain, especially as the resolver value is almost certainly incorrect.

setDomainOwner should call setOwner on ens, and separate admin methods should be added in the Registrar that allow setting of the resolver and ttl values on the radicle.eth domain.

B05: Registrar: Revoked names cannot be re-registered

The new ENS registry implements a mechanism where lookups will fallback to the old registry if the owner field of a record is set to address(0). This means that address(0) acts as a sentinel value indicating that the name does not have an owner in the new registry, but it may still have a record in the old registry. The new registry also makes use of an additional sentinel value: the address of the registry itself. This value has the meaning: "this name does not exist in the old registry and is controlled by address(0)".

If users call setOwner(node, address(0)) on the new registry, the owner field on the record will in set to the address of the registry itself, and when calling owner(node), address(0) will be returned if the owner field has a value of address(this).

The radicle registrar uses a call to ens.recordExists(node) as part of registerRad to check if a domain has already been registered. recordExists does not take the above mechanism into account, and will return false iff the owner field has been set to address(0). This means that if the owner of a radicle domain decides to revoke their ownership by calling ens.setOwner(domain, address(0)) the domain owner will be set to address(this), and ens.recordExists(domain) will always return true for that domain, meaning that it can never again be registered.

This issue can be avoided by using a call to ens.owner(domain) (which accounts for the various internal sentinel values) instead of the call to ens.recordExists.

B06: Registrar: New names have no resolver

The radicle registrar does not set a value for the resolver field for newly registered subdomains. While this field can be set by owner subsequent to the name registration, it involves an extra transaction.

Name registration UX could be improved by setting a sensible default for the resolver field in newly created radicle.eth subdomains (perhaps to the same value as used for radicle.eth).

B07: Registrar: Name registration is vulnerable to frontrunning attacks

An attacker with a good view of the mempool could watch for transactions registering new radicle.eth subdomains and submit a transaction with a higher gas price claiming the name for themselves.

While this attack has an up-front cost, they can now offer the name to the original submitter of the transaction for more than the cost of submitting the transaction.

To avoid this issue, a commit/reveal scheme could be implemented:

  1. submit a commitment to register a domain (commit(keccak256(name, owner, secret)))
  2. submit a registration transaction within some predetermined time period (register(name, owner, secret))

An attacker who is watching the mempool cannot see which name/owner pairs are being committed to, and once the registration transaction is revealed, they are unable to take the name for themselves (they can of course still register the name on behalf of the owner specified in the commitment).

B08: Registrar: Name registration log is missing preimage

The NameRegistered event contains the ens node associated with the registered name, but does not include the name itself. While the name can be recovered via calldata, this procedure is more complex and not supported by many popular tools (e.g. Dune Analytics).

Adding the domain name to the NameRegistered even will make life easier for users of the radicle registrar.

B09: Add Events to stateful functions of Registrar, VestingToken and Treasury

Adding events makes it easier for interfaces and other tools to quickly analyze the state of contracts, and cheaply recreate its historical state.

B10: Registrar: Implement protections against name squatting

Registering a name under radicle.eth may be quite cheap directly after the launch, and there is a risk that many high value names will be claimed by squatters.

It may be prudent to investigate restrictions on the registration of very short names, or names of existing high profile software projects (e.g. the largest 100 projects on github). The team may also wish to consider adding an expiry period to radicle.eth subdomains.

The radicle team updated the registrar to disallow registration of names that are represented with a single byte when serialzed. This dissalows registration of single character ascii names (e.g. x.radicle.eth), but still allows the registration of single character names that have multi-byte representations when serialized (e.g. emojis, chinese characters).


Use calldata as function variable locations wherever possible

Using calldata as location for reference data types in the following functions:

  • Timelock.queueTransaction
  • Timelock.cancelTransaction
  • Timelock.executeTransaction

would improve gas efficiency in the Timelock contract.

Allow the ENS resolver and ttl to be set by the admin of the Registrar

The Registrar does not allow the admin to set a new resolver or ttl value for the radicle.eth domain. While this can be achieved by means of a registrar upgrade, this seems unnecessarily restrictive.

The audit team recommends adding methods that allow the registrar admin to set the resolver and ttl values for the radicle.eth domain.

Deprecate Treasury in favor of Timelock

The Treasury contract is a simple contract wallet that holds ETH, only allowing the admin to withdraw the funds. Discussions with the Radicle team revealed that this treasury contract was meant to be controlled by Governance, and could also come to hold ERC20 tokens. Since the Timelock contract is already well equipped to both hold ETH and other assets in behalf of the Governance contract, the audit team recommends getting rid of the Treasury completely and just using the Timelock as a treasury instead.

Remove unused features from the Registrar

The registrar currently contains placeholder methods relating to currently unimplemented flows that would allow users to register a domain using an amount of ETH determined by an external price oracle.

Removing these methods (and their associated storage variables) would make the contract both easier to read and cheaper to deploy.

Remove id from Proposal struct

The id field of the proposal struct is redundant. Proposals are indexed by their id, so any lookup would have to already be aware of the id of the proposal. Removing this should save at least 1 SSTORE per proposal.

Rearrange Proposal struct members for more efficient packing

Solidity packs adjacent value types occupying less than 32 bytes into a single slot whenever possible. In the case of the Proposal struct, there are several items that could be packed together if moved next to each other. The audit team suggests moving the proposer address next to the booleans in order to fit them in to a single storage slot.

Governor: fix error message in `propose`

The function Governor.propose requires the sender to hold more than Governor.proposalThreshold() votes in order to submit a proposal. However, the error message accompanying this constraint reads: "Governor::propose: proposer votes below proposal threshold", which is not true if the proposer has exactly proposalThreshold number of votes.

Remove or loosen restriction on name length

Names are restricted to be less than 32 bytes in length. As names in ENS are stored in a dictionary keyed by the namehash of the domain (a bytes32), this restriction is not required on the smart contract level.

UTF-8 encoded unicode characters have a maximum size of 4 bytes, meaning that the 32 bytes length restriction could result in an 8 character limit for some names.

The audit team recommends either loosening or lifting this restriction entirely.

Removing this check would save ~110 gas (~$0.15 @100 gwei/gas and 1400 USD/ETH) for every name registration.

Add permit to RadicleToken

Implementing permit into the RadicleToken would allow introduce less friction for interactions with the RadicleToken, and pave the way for a user experience wherein the user needs no eth to pay for transactions.

Use immutable for Governor.token and Governor.timelock

The values of the variables token and timelock cannot be altered after set in the constructor. Using immutable for these variables would provide an increase in gas efficiency.

Incentivize relaying of register transactions in the Registrar

The current signature based name registration flows in the radicle registrar do not offer any incentive to the relayer of a register transaction. This could be rectified by adding a registerWithFee method that pays the relayer of the call a fee upon successful name registration.

Give admin control over the eth registrar address in the Registrar

The address for the .eth registrar is read from the ens registry in setDomainOwner. It is assumed that the owner of the .eth tld in the ens registry will always be the .eth registrar. Should the owner of the .eth tld change to be a contract that reverts during the call to ethRegistrar.transferFrom then it will no longer be possible to migrate to a new registrar for the radicle.eth name.

The audit team recommends removing this assumption by reading the address of the .eth registrar from a storage variable in the radicle registrar. The admin of the registrar should be able to set the value of this storage variable.

Notes and Miscellanea

Address precalculation required for VestingToken

Since the vestingtoken contract performs a transferFrom in its constructor, one has to precalculate its address and approve it before it is constructed.

ENS multisig can takeover all radicle.eth names

The ENS root node is under the control of the ens multisig. The owner of the root node can change change ownership of any subnode in the tree, giving the signers for this multisig total control over all ens domains.

Should this multisig be compromised, ownership of all radicle.eth domains could fall into the hands of a malicious attacker.

Name registration can expose sensitive financial details

Registration of a radicle.eth subdomain creates an irrevocable link between an ethereum address and a human readable identifier. Users of the system should be aware that this allows anyone who knows the radicle name to view the full history of all transactions carried out by that address. Further heuristic analysis may also allow the linking of connected addresses to that name.

It should be considered a best practice to register a radicle domain with a fresh address that is unconnected to other on chain activities.

Appendix A. Bug Classifications

informational The issue does not have direct implications for functionality, but could be relevant for understanding.
low The issue has no security implications, but could affect some behaviour in an unexpected way.
medium The issue affects some functionality, but does not result in economically significant loss of user funds.
high The issue can cause loss of user funds.
low The system is unlikely to be in a state where the bug would occur or could be made to occur by any party.
medium It is fairly likely that the issue could occur or be made to occur by some party.
high It is very likely that the issue could occur or could be exploited by some parties.

Appendix B. Prior Audit Report Comparisons

The team is aware of two public audit reports conducted for the Compound Governance system 1 2 conducted by Trail of Bits and Open Zeppelin respectively. The Radicle governance contracts are based on the Compound Governance contracts. Here we are cherry picking some recommendations that have not yet been addressed.

  • Clean up return statements in RadicleToken: the _delegate function does not return any value. Both delegate and delegateBySig attempt to return the result of _delegate function.
  • Document the variability in voting period length. Consider the historical range of block times and whether it will allow for an acceptable voting period. Consider adding logic in the Governor contract so the voting period time may be adjusted via governance proposals, or consider comparing block timestamps instead of block numbers to create a fixed-length voting period.

Appendix C. Contract Map